The courses of Division II (Basic Sciences & Applied Technologies) of the Undergraduate Studies Program of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering are divided into three course categories:
General Background Courses (GBCs)
These are Compulsory Courses, designed to be included mainly in the first semesters of study. The GBCs ensure the necessary pre-existing scientific knowledge for the understanding of the knowledge and the foundation of skills of the graduate in the subject of Industrial Design and Production Engineering according to the modern international perspective. Students are taught and deepened (theoretically and, in most cases, laboratory) in disciplines that lead to the acquisition of a solid background in the specialty of Industrial Design and Production Engineering. The total number of courses offered in the category (GBCs) is ten (10).
Special Background Courses (SBCs)
These are Compulsory Courses, designed to be developed mainly in the intermediate semesters of study from the 3rd to the 6th semester. The SBCs function as core courses that provide knowledge directly integrated into the scientific subject of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, covering the range of the subject from the study of (specialized or non-specialized) products to the organization of the production process. The total number of courses offered in the category (SBCs) is ten (10).
Immersion / Induction Courses (IICs)
These are mainly Elective Compulsory Courses offered from the 7th to the 9th semester. These courses serve as specialization pathways to achieve a deepening of the basic theoretical and laboratory knowledge in the scope of the subject matter of the specialization of Industrial Design and Production Engineering. In view of the above, they are classified as level 7 courses. During the aforementioned semesters, the objectives of the undergraduate studies program are to deepen students’ knowledge and specialize their skills in the fields of Industrial Production and Management and Administration. The total number of courses offered in the category (IICs) is eight (8).

The courses of Division II of the undergraduate studies program are divided into two additional categories:
- Compulsory Courses: Core courses that provide basic knowledge and must be successfully completed by all students of the Division without exception. The total number of courses offered in the category is twenty (20) and they participate in the formation of the degree.
- Elective Compulsory Courses: Specialized courses from which each student is required to select and successfully complete a sufficient number of courses to obtain a diploma. The total number of courses offered in the category is eleven (11) and they participate in the formation of the diploma degree.